Monday, May 16, 2011

First Adventure on the East Coast

Because Cace works for a company that sells mustard, he has access to free tickets to baseball games and hockey games.  Our first trip into the city after moving to NJ was to see a Yankee's game. 

Riding the train from Dover to Penn Station   

Apparently I was cramping his style.  He didn't get to order his normal hot dog, nachos, and peanuts!
We left halfway through the game because it started pouring down rain. 
So far, we haven't had good weather going into the city.  Cace trying on some hip sunglasses.

We had dinner at some random pasta joint that was surprisingly good.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our New House

In December of 2010 Cace got an offer to transfer to New Jersey.  After spending two days looking for a house near his work we spent three days in the city just sight seeing and having fun.

In March of 2011 Cace and I moved to Mount Olive, New Jersey.  The drive out with Mia and Chloe was interesting.  Let's just say that traveling with cats is torture! 
This is day two, so Chloe had calmed down considerably.

After a long day sitting around watching the movers move and unpack, we crashed and this is what we woke up to the next morning.

Almost a foot of snow and it was the first day of spring!