Saturday, June 2, 2012

A long, long, long awaited update!

Ok, so it's been quite a while since we updated our blog and, as many of you know, a lot has transpired with our family.  On May 11th at 6:33 PM we welcomed Gemma Lyne Smith into the world.

Jody did an amazing job throughout the labor.  When she went into the hospital at 9 AM she was already dilated to 4 cm.  Jody giving the thumbs up to let the games begin...

After laboring for about 6 hours on her own she finally asked for the epidural and it was pretty smooth sailing from there.  She pushed for an hour and was able to enjoy a peaceful moment with her new daughter...

Gemma opened her eyes pretty much from the moment she came out.  This little angel has just melted my heart.

She weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

I just love her little feet!

The nurses at the Morristown hospital were awesome!!  The nursery made her this cute little hat.

After two days in the hospital we were ready to come home.  Gemma was pretty happy to see her new home, too.

After 7 years of trying to get pregnant Jody and I cannot fully express our gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the blessing of this sweet child.  I have such a strong testimony that He hears and answers all of our prayers accordingly.  He does so on his schedule and not our's, and the last 7 years have taught us the lesson of patience.  Many times our patience felt like it was running on empty, but the reward was so sweet!

She's now 3 weeks old - I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by - and she is doing great.  She's been sleeping on a really consistent schedule at night and is just the most pleasant, sweet baby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you guys! She is so beautiful!
